If you've ever watched a basketball game and heard the announcers mention "turnovers," but had no idea what they were talking about, this article is for you. In layman's terms, a turnover in basketball is simply a possession that changes hands without the team in possession scoring points.

There are two main types of turnovers in basketball: live-ball turnovers and dead-ball turnovers. Dead-ball turnovers occur when the team with possession commits a foul or violation, such as too many steps or going out of bounds. These types of turnovers immediately give the other team possession of the ball.

Live-ball turnovers, on the other hand, occur when the team with possession loses control of the ball without being fouled. The most common type of live-ball turnover is a traveling violation, which occurs when a player moves their feet more than once while holding the ball or takes more than two steps while not dribbling. Other live-ball turnovers include throwing an errant pass that goes out of bounds or getting stolen (more on that later).

Turnovers are important because they can often be the difference between winning and losing a close game. For example, let's say Team A has the ball and is up by two points with 30 seconds left in the game. Team B then forces a turnover, giving them possession with a chance to tie or take the lead. The pressure is now on Team A to get a stop and get the ball back so they can try to score and win the game.

What is a Turnover in Basketball
Photo by Max Winkler / Unsplash


In conclusion, a turnover in basketball is simply a change in possession that doesn't result in points being scored by the team with possession. There are two main types of turnovers: dead-ball turnovers and live-ball turnovers. Dead-ball turnovers occur when the team with possession commits a foul or violation, such as too many steps or going out of bounds. Live-ball turnovers occur when the team with possession loses control of the ball without being fouled, such as through traveling violations, errant passes, and getting stolen. Turnovers are important because they can be the difference between winning and losing a close game.

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